Strategic Staffing

Companies in all categories, from corporations to small businesses to start ups need on-demand access to vetted talent to keep up with today’s pace of business. Our recruiters are industry experts in their practice areas and have the know how to provide clients with qualified, right-fit professionals on a contract or contract to hire basis.

Sherpa LLC
diverse job candidates waiting for an interview

Permanent Placement

Building a winning team entails more than matching requirements to resume and candidate to company. Our consultative approach provides a deep understanding of your culture and expectations and enables precision when it comes to matching the right skills and personality to the right opportunity. When clients need direct hire or executive search, our recruiter’s insight, intuition and experience deliver impactful talent.

Project Solutions

In an ever-evolving business and technological environment, organizations need a dependable way to access and deploy specialized talent to solve problems, mitigate risks, manage through change or staff transitions. We’ve built a network of top-tier consultants with the ability to on-board quickly and achieve desired outcomes. From a single resource to a team of professionals, we’re prepared to provide transcendent talent on a project or interim basis.

Sherpa LLC