Benefits of Contract Employment

A person holding a contract sheet

According to a recent Marist/NPR poll, 1 in 5 American workers are now classified as contract employees. This equates to millions of individuals who earn their paychecks in roles that are suited to their specific employment needs. Without these critical resources, companies would find it extremely difficult to meet their talent demands and function efficiently.…

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Resume Tips: 5 Do’s and Don’ts

Close view of a person holding resume

Once you’ve nailed down the content and format of your resume, it’s time to to consider these 5 “Do’s” and “Don’ts”. An optimal resume is both informative and easy to read.  Consider the following when drafting your resume. Let’s start with the Don’ts And now the Don’ts

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Resume Tips: Content and Order

A person filling out a form

Trying to get started on your resume but not sure about what content and order to use? No worries! We’ve put together this handy list to get you off on the right path with regards to preferred structure, format, and content. Read on: Provide a complete work history for the past 10-15 years without omitting…

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Tips for Closing an Interview

People shaking hands

Considering the amount of preparation a job seeker puts in the process, closing an interview deserves to be more than an afterthought. Effective questions and a strong closing statement can help set a candidate apart. It’s clear, you should establish a strategy for closing any interview. As a part of this strategy, you will want…

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Phone and Video Interview Tips

A woman on a phone call

In an effort to save time and streamline hiring, more and more employers are choosing to conduct interviews via phone or video. These interviews are just as important as in-person formats and are often more challenging because candidates don’t have the advantage of giving and receiving clear visual cues. With that said, we’ve compiled some…

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3 Keys to Employee Retention

A set of vintage keys

By Greg Whitesell, Marketing Director Employee retention is one of the most pervasive issues today’s employers must face.  The average time spent at a job for employees between the ages of 25-34 (a key labor group) is 3.2 years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.  Tenure and longevity have seemingly gone the way of…

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In Person Interviews Made Simple

Two men in a meeting

It goes without saying that earning an in person interview is a crucial step in the job search process.  Properly preparing for this all important meeting should be a high priority when the time comes.  The following guidelines will help you hone your in person interview skills:

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Gettin’ Tricky with Interview Questions

A thinking woman

No, it’s not an 80’s hit, it’s the reality of many interview questions – they are tricky by design. Why? It’s simple. Employers ask some questions with the underlying objective of exploring a candidate’s attitudes and motivations. We’ve developed a list of questions that can prove tricky if you if you don’t consider them ahead of time.…

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